ABN Wind Energy generates energy from all renewable sources.
The analysis conducted by the Authority for Electricity and Gas on the import of electricity from abroad (close to 15%) and the fossil fuels used for electricity production within the national territory (about 80%) highlights how our country is entirely dependent on foreign sources for the electricity sector, except for the production of energy from renewable sources (accounting for 18% of consumption).
ABN is committed to developing innovative renewable energy projects with the goal of promoting the competitiveness of the production system, ensuring energy supply security, and protecting the environment through a “distributed generation” system. This commitment aims to incorporate the observations of the cap. IV della Caritas in Veritate Benedetto XVI …of a “…greater ecological sensitivity…” connected to energy issues and “…intergenerational justice…”.
The term renewable energy sources refers to all non-fossil energy sources: solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, wave, tidal (tides and currents), and biomass. These are energy sources that, due to their intrinsic nature, regenerate or are “inexhaustible” on a human time scale because they are perpetually available in nature, and their use does not compromise natural resources for future generations.
Wind energy can enable sustainable development for humanity, without harming nature and for an indefinite period.
Among alternative energy sources, wind energy stands out as the result of converting the kinetic energy of wind into other forms of energy (electrical or mechanical). This type of energy has experienced exceptional growth in recent years, with approximately 3,000 MW installed to date, and future growth is estimated at a rate of about 30%. In Italy, it has been the energy source with the highest increase over the last decade.
ABN Wind Energy provides comprehensive support in the various phases of wind farm development:
For each site, once its feasibility has been assessed and its dimensions verified by ABN, a development company is established, holding all the rights to the facility itself.
Why is wind energy a sustainable choice?
Wind energy is an attractive alternative to fossil fuels because it is abundant, renewable, widely distributed, clean, and virtually produces no greenhouse gases.
How do wind turbines and large wind farms work?
Its exploitation occurs through wind machines called wind turbines.
A wind generator consists of a steel tower topped by a nacelle containing an electric generator powered by a rotor with blades (usually 2 or 3).
Very large wind farms take advantage of economies of scale and incentives, making them a highly competitive technology compared to traditional energy sources.
The ecological solution for a sustainable future
A wind power plant is a real power plant, but the electricity produced has a unique feature: unlike that produced by other types of power plants, in fact, it is absolutely clean, that is, obtained without pollution and without the emission of greenhouse gases or electro-magnetic radiation of any kind and with minimal impact on the ecosystem, and in compliance with noise emission standards of 45 dBa at 100 meters from the source.
Mini wind refers to the production of electricity from wind energy using generators with a height of less than 30 meters.
Small wind systems occupy minimal space and have a limited impact on the surrounding environment, allowing for a significant contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, real economic benefits, and a more distributed generation on the low-voltage grid.
The difference from large-scale wind lies not only in the size of the machines but also in the possibility of a simplified authorization process. This application is particularly suitable for the agriculture, tourism, and small to medium-sized business sectors.
Italian mini wind turbine combining innovation and reliability
ABN Wind Energy markets the “Libellula” 55 kW, produced by Aria S.r.l., an Italian manufacturer of small wind turbines.
“Libellula” 55 kW is a new small-scale wind turbine with a registered patent, developed in Italy as an evolution of a technology that has been highly successful in Northern Europe, demonstrating excellent performance and outstanding reliability over the years.
Photovoltaic solar energy is an inexhaustible source of clean energy, available to everyone, produced at the point of consumption, and integrable into urban environments.
According to the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, over the past ten years, the photovoltaic sector has grown globally at an average rate of 35%, with an installed capacity reaching 9,162 MW. Installed capacity is expected to increase further.
“An ecological and economic investment for sustainable roofs”
Photovoltaics is an important investment in environmental protection and is also particularly beneficial economically especially for a “solar” country like Italy.
A photovoltaic system is an electrical system that harnesses solar energy to produce electricity by photovoltaic effect using silicon.
For this renewable energy source as well, ABN Wind Energy aims to develop medium-small installations connected to medium voltage, with a focus on “photovoltaic roofs.”