
Solar photovoltaic Energy is an inexhaustible source of pure energy, available to all, produced at the point of consumption and integrated in the urban context .

In accordance with the statements by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association in the last ten the photovoltaic industry has grown worldwide at an average rate of 35%, with an installed capacity that has reached 9.162 MW. It is expected that the installed capacity will continue to rise.

Photovoltaic Energy is an important investment for the environmental protection and it is particularly beneficial to the economy in a “solar” country as Italy.

A photovoltaic plant is an electrical plant that uses solar energy by the photovoltaic effect to produce electricity with the use of silicon.

ABN EnergyEven for this renewable source ABN Wind Energy aims to the creation of small to medium installations, connected to medium voltage, favoring the “solar roofs”.


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